NOV 2024 22 FRI 7:30 pm
Dance | USA
CONTRA-TIEMPO Activist Dance Theater | joyUS justUSMandeville Auditorium
  • General Admission: $40
  • UCSD Student: Limited free tickets via SSO


joyUS justUS is an evening length participatory Activist Dance Theater experience that takes on joy as the ultimate expression of resistance. Whenever humans have survived immense hardship and injustice, prevailing with their humanity intact, the presence of joy­­ or, the knowingness and celebration of our true beauty and power has always been at the root. joyUS justUS reclaims the dominant deficit ­based narrative of people of color in this country as being underprivileged, voiceless, powerless, and victimized, and flips it on its head by embodying stories of joy collected from communities of color in South Los Angeles.

Conceived and directed by Ana Maria Alvarez the piece includes choreography by Alvarez and each company member who contributed their unique ideas and richly diverse movement styles, music by Las Cafeteras, whose powerful East L.A. sound and socio-political message closely compliment our own, d. Sabela grimes, whose soundprints were the heartbeat of Agua Furiosa, Charlese Antoinette, whose costumes help our dancers radiate joy and power, Emily Orling whose altar quilts create a beautifully sacred visual environment and Tuce Yasak, whose technical direction has literally brought light to so many of our stages.


ArtPower and the Basic Needs Center are teaming up to host a Personal Hygiene Drive at upcoming ArtPower events in support of Hunger & Houselessness Awareness Week (Nov. 18–22). ⁠

Bring a personal hygiene product to donate at these shows at the Basic Needs table. Each donation gives you a chance to win tickets to future ArtPower events and other exciting prizes—and the more you donate, the better your chances.⁠

Personal Hygiene Product List: Toilet tissue, laundry pods, dish soap, pocket tissue, bar soap, hand sanitizer, sunscreen, deodorant, infant formula, diapers (any size)



Doors open 30 mins before performance time


Mandeville Auditorium is located at the end of Mandeville Lane, off of Gilman Drive. See Map >


The closest parking structure is Scholar Parking Structure located at the intersection of Gilman Drive and Russell Lane. 

UC San Diego requires parking permits 7 days a week. Permits can be purchased at permit machines or through the Parkmobile App. Visit UC San Diego Transportation for information on where to buy your permit, and costs.

More Info

If you need additional information and/or assistance, please contact


All ticket prices listed above are inclusive of ticket and facilities fees.
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