MAR 2017 09 THU 8 pm
Dance | South Korea
Bereishit Dance CompanyMandeville Auditorium
  • Sec A: $46
  • Sec B: $38
  • Sec C: $28
  • UCSD Student: $9


Founded by choreographer Park Soon-Ho, Bereishit is a Seoul-based dance company that approaches the Korean traditional culture from a contemporary perspective. The company explores the issues of identity and transformation with a dance style that merges the control and full-body excitement of break dance with sleek artistry and urban cool.

Bereishit’s West Coast debut includes two works—Bow, an athletic duet inspired by the tradition of archery, explores the boundaries of sports and dance; and the intensely physical Balance and Imbalance, which features brilliant and fun interplay among five dancers, a pair of Korean traditional drummers, and one traditional pansori singer.

“The street style in dress and movement disguises finely honed skill in balancing bodies at extraordinary angles and in extraordinary configurations.”—Critical Dance


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Join us for a post-performance ArtTalk with the artists.


o The closest parking structure is Lot 207, located on Muir College Drive. Parking permit pay station is located on the north end of the lot.

UC San Diego Partner

Transnational Korean Studies Program
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